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Studying on a Computer

Self-Paced ONLY

Prerequisites: Saxon 7/6 or Saxon 8/7 or similar

This PreAlgebra class is usually taken as an optional second PreAlgebra course for students who have scored less than 85% in PreAlgebra 1 (Saxon 8/7). This class moves more quickly than Saxon 8/7, includes more arithmetic in the first half of the course, and represents a culmination of PreAlgebra mathematics, covering all topics normally taught in PreAlgebra, as well as additional topics from geometry and discrete mathematics (used in engineering and computer sciences).
Students can deepen their understanding of PreAlgebra topics such as fractions, decimals, percents, mixed numbers, signed numbers, order of operations, evaluation of algebraic expressions, and solutions for linear equations in one unknown.
NOTE: it is recommended for students who do well in Saxon math 8/7 to go straight into Algebra 1 and for students who struggle in Saxon Math 8/7 (score less than 85%) to take Saxon Algebra ½ the following year for more preparation before going into Algebra 1.
Saxon PreAlgebra 1/2 Homeschool Kit, 3rd edition
[NOTE: Solutions Manual is required should you decide to not purchase the PreAlgebra 1/2 Homeschool Kit] 

Saxon PreAlgebra 1/2 Tests and Worksheets, 3rd edition
(if you choose not to purchase Homeschool Kit)

SELF-PACED, FULL YEAR CLASS (30 week suggested pacing
Access to all materials for 1 year from activation date
120+ instructional videos (one for each lesson)
Testing provided approximately every 10 lessons
Tests are graded by teacher and returned with feedback
Step-by-step test review videos are available
Syllabus along with recommended pacing is provided
Learning Management System used to track homework/tests
Grade report and certificate of completion provided
Teacher is available via email for questions
ADD-ON tutoring option or LIVE office hour are available
$450/one-year access

Disclosure: some links may be affiliate links, which means MathMedics+ will receive a small compensation for any purchases made through them. Affiliate links do not increase your costs.

Teacher & Student

Self-Paced ONLY

Prerequisites: Saxon 8/7 or Saxon Algebra 1/2 or similar

This is a moderately-paced course designed for students who are well prepared for Algebra 1 and are able to maintain a somewhat brisk pace and reasonable weekly assignments.
This class will provide one credit of algebra and students can list "Algebra 1" on their transcripts. Algebra 1 covers all topics in a first-year algebra course - from proofs, statistics, and probability to algebra-based, real-world problems.
With Algebra 1, students employ higher-order thinking skills, real-world applications, reasoning, and justification to make connections to math strands. Algebra 1 focuses on algebraic thinking and multiple representations (verbal, numeric, symbolic, and graphical).
Saxon Algebra 1 Homeschool Kit, 3rd edition (solution manual is required)
Saxon Algebra 1 Tests and Worksheets, 3rd edition
(if you choose not to purchase Homeschool Kit)

SELF-PACED, FULL YEAR CLASS (30 week suggested pacing
Access to all materials for 1 year from activation date
120+ instructional videos (one for each lesson)
Testing provided approximately every 10 lessons
Tests are graded by teacher and returned with feedback
Step-by-step test review videos are available
Syllabus along with recommended pacing is provided
Learning Management System used to track homework/tests
Grade report and certificate of completion provided
Teacher is available via email for questions
ADD-ON tutoring option or LIVE office hour are available
$450/one-year access

Disclosure: some links may be affiliate links, which means MathMedics+ will receive a small compensation for any purchases made through them. Affiliate links do not increase your costs.

Engineering Class

LIVE! or Self-Paced options

Prerequisites: Algebra 1 or similar

This is a two-semester, moderate-to-fast-paced course designed for students who are well prepared for Algebra 2 and are able to maintain a decent pace and reasonable weekly assignments.
Algebra 2 covers all topics traditionally covered in second-year algebra, as well as half a credit worth of geometry. This class will provide the one full credit of algebra and can be listed on high school transcripts as "Algebra 2".
If a student does not complete any higher Saxon courses, students completing this Algebra 2 course may list one credit of "Algebra 2" and 1/2 credit of "Geometry".
Time is spent developing geometric concepts and writing proof outlines. Real-world problems are included along with applications to other subjects such as physics and chemistry. Some graphing calculator usage is taught when learning trigonometric functions.
Saxon Algebra 2 Homeschool Kit, 3rd edition (solution manual is required) 
Scientific graphing calculator (TI-83, TI-84, or similar)
Saxon Algebra 2 Tests and Worksheets, 3rd edition
(if you choose not to purchase Homeschool Kit)

FULL YEAR CLASS (30 weeks) - also available as a self-paced option
Ruth Cooper, teacher
Thirty 90-minute, live online classes

MONDAYS at 8:15a EST

30 week suggested pacing
Access to all materials for 1 year from activation date
120+ instructional videos (one for each lesson)
Testing provided approximately every 10 lessons
Tests are graded by teacher and returned with feedback
Step-by-step test review videos are available
Syllabus along with recommended pacing is provided
Learning Management System used to track homework/tests
Grade report and certificate of completion provided
Teacher is available via email for questions
ADD-ON tutoring option or LIVE office hour are available
$450/one-year access

Disclosure: some links may be affiliate links, which means MathMedics+ will receive a small compensation for any purchases made through them. Affiliate links do not increase your costs.

Computer Class

LIVE! or Self-Paced options

Prerequisites: Algebra 2 or similar

This is a course designed for students who have completed Algebra 2 and are able to maintain a reasonable pace and respectable weekly assignments. Geometry with Advanced Algebra is the next step in the Saxon mathematics path.
The continued practice of intermediate algebraic skills and introduction of upper-level algebraic concepts and skills is present, along with a focus on problem solving and the development of productive thought patterns. Time is spent developing geometric concepts and writing proof outlines and heavy emphasis is placed on the study of common and natural logarithms, equations of conics, analytic geometry, and upper-level algebraic concepts.
This course completes the study of geometry, which has been spread over four years in the Saxon math series. 
*Course adjustments have been made so students may enter this course from either third or fourth editions of Saxon's Algebra 2​
Saxon Advanced Mathematics Homeschool Kit, 2nd edition (solution manual is required)
Scientific graphing calculator (TI-83, TI-84, or similar)
Saxon Advanced Mathematics Tests and Worksheets, 2nd edition
(if you choose not to purchase Homeschool Kit)

FULL YEAR CLASS (30 weeks)
Ruth Cooper, teacher
Thirty 90-minute, live online classes

30 week suggested pacing
Access to all materials for 1 year from activation date
120+ instructional videos (one for each lesson)
Testing provided approximately every 10 lessons
Tests are graded by teacher and returned with feedback
Step-by-step test review videos are available
Syllabus along with recommended pacing is provided
Learning Management System used to track homework/tests
Grade report and certificate of completion provided
Teacher is available via email for questions
ADD-ON tutoring or LIVE office hour options are available
$450/one-year access

Disclosure: some links may be affiliate links, which means MathMedics+ will receive a small compensation for any purchases made through them. Affiliate links do not increase your costs.

Computer Learning

Self-Paced option 

Prerequisites: Geometry w/Adv. Algebra or first 50ish lessons of Adv. Mathematics

This is the continuation for the Saxon Advanced Mathematics course. It is designed for students who have completed Geometry with Advanced Algebra and are able to maintain a reasonable pace and respectable weekly assignments.
This class is the is the next step in the Saxon mathematics path, after completing the first 50ish lessons of Saxon's Advanced Mathematics. This class will cover the remaining 60-70ish lessons of the Saxon Advanced Mathematics.
These lessons provide a year's worth of trigonometry and will begin introducing pre-calculus topics. This class will provide one full credit of trigonometry and can be listed on high school transcripts as "Trigonometry with PreCalculus".
Primary emphasis is on the continuation of intermediate algebraic concepts and skills while the upper-level algebraic concepts and skills are introduced. The study of trigonometry begun in the middle of Algebra 2 is continued, and heavy emphasis is placed on the study of trigonometric functions, common and natural logarithms, and the equations of conics.

Saxon Advanced Mathematics Homeschool Kit, 2nd edition (solution manual required)
Scientific graphing calculator (TI-83, TI-84, or similar)
Saxon Advanced Mathematics Tests and Worksheets, 2nd edition
(if you choose not to purchase Homeschool Kit)

Ruth Cooper, teacher
Thirty 90-minute, live online classes


SELF-PACED, FULL YEAR CLASS (30 week suggested pacing
Access to all materials for 1 year from activation date
120+ instructional videos (one for each lesson)
Testing provided approximately every 10 lessons
Tests are graded by teacher and returned with feedback
Step-by-step test review videos are available
Syllabus along with recommended pacing is provided
Learning Management System used to track homework/tests
Grade report and certificate of completion provided
Teacher is available via email for questions
ADD-ON LIVE office hours or tutoring option are available
$450/one-year access

Disclosure: some links may be affiliate links, which means MathMedics+ will receive a small compensation for any purchases made through them. Affiliate links do not increase your costs.

Off to School

NOTE: Not offered this year

Prerequisites: Algebra 1 helpful

Prepare your students for making financial decisions with instruction about credit card charges, taxes, interest on loans and savings, personal banking, and costs of transportation, food, clothing, utilities, insurance, and filling out income tax forms.
Being a good steward of money is the primary emphasis. The student text presents concepts with numerous examples and step-by-step explanations. Each section contains five cumulative review problems, and each chapter contains a chapter review.
Consumer Math Homeschool Kit, 2nd Edition (BJU Press)

Ruth Cooper, teacher
Thirty 90-minute, live online classes

30 week suggested pacing
Access to all materials for 1 year from activation date
120+ instructional videos (one for each lesson)
Testing provided approximately every 10 lessons
Tests are graded by teacher and returned with feedback
Step-by-step test review videos are available
Syllabus along with recommended pacing is provided
Learning Management System used to track homework/tests
Grade report and certificate of completion provided
Teacher is available via email for questions
ADD-ON tutoring option or LIVE office hour are available
$450/one-year access

Disclosure: some links may be affiliate links, which means MathMedics+ will receive a small compensation for any purchases made through them. Affiliate links do not increase your costs.

Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Geometry w/Adv. Algebra + SAT Math Prep
Trigonometry with PreCalculus
Consumer Math

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